Welcome to my 2nd episode.
The focus of this episode will be a bit more on SwiftUI related items. I will also mention a great online event next month you should check out. CocoaHeadsNL has announced their november and december planning.
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00:00 Intro
00:46 Special: Antoine van der Lee
00:58 Feedback: Speakpipe
01:07 Home Screen Quick Actions — SwiftUI 2.0
01:27 Getting started with the Combine framework in Swift
01:49 The magic of redacted modifier in SwiftUI
02:15 Updating your apps with silent push notifications
02:32 Connecting and merging Combine publishers in Swift
02:56 Evolution of the programming languages from iPhone OS 1.0 to iOS 14
03:12 How Swift API Availability Works Internally
03:48 Nova is here
04:14 How to pass data between views using Coordinator pattern in Swift
04:37 Donny’s monday morning
06:08 CocoaHeadsNL meetups
06:16 Sponsor CocoaHeadsNL
06:20 SwiftAlps
06:42 Outro
06:52 Sponsor me
06:56 Feedback?
07:05 Remember the special